On the other side of the coin is the expectation that drugs will make a kid's behavior closer to normal and more manageable. That's another kind of denial.
There are problems drugs won't fix, and schools and families have to accomodate those. Certain kinds of "silliness" are a creative adaptation to these problems.
Left to their own devices I think pre-adolescent kids are remarkably tolerant of many kinds of silliness. They are not tolerant when bad attitudes percolate down from adults. If an adult acts like some kid is possessed by demons that need to be drugged or beaten out of the kid, then the other kids will pick up on that too. If an adult accepts the problem with good humor and grace, the kids will pick up on that. Maybe that's true for teenagers too, even though they are a different sort of creature.
I was most disruptive in the classes where I irritated the teacher the most. I could get
...is a pleasure to have in class on the very same report card as
...classroom behavior is unsatisfactory, the difference being that one teacher could accommodate a certain level of silliness, and the other could not.
At one point I decided to teach like
Welcome Back Kotter (Internet Movie Database), but the only way I could keep my classrooms in order was to be a strict disciplinarian -- probably because I was blind to much of what goes on between kids. I don't think that was good for the kids who were like me, which was sort of disappointing. I'm much better in situations less structured than classroom teaching or sports, where the group can accomodate everyone's differences in a relaxed manner.
I love field work, running around with a mob of kids and teaching them something about environmental science.