"Making things up" = "Not assimilating the meaning from it." It's just another example of confused boundaries.
I'm a middle aged guy, I communicate fairly well (I think!) but it still often strikes me that words are only loosely coupled with meanings. All sorts of things people say seem to be entirely "made-up." Language itself is a "made up" sort of thing.
Even with my experience I can still be entirely oblivious to emotional contexts, either in what people say, or when I say something that I'm certain has no emotional context at all, but someone else thinks it's funny, or offensive, etc..
I stumble around when I'm speaking, which is why I like to write, I can mull over things, go back, rewrite etc., But even then I can screw up.
Food stuff trips me up often, since I'm the cook in our house. I'll mention something sort of interesting about the food, like I had to cut the ends of the corn off because of the earworms, and suddenly nobody wants to eat! But that's sort of a trivial thing compared to some of the burning bridges types of personal interactions I've ignited by misinterpreting things.