Some scientists hold that it was good for the tribe to have a few people around with depression/anxiety disorders. Back when we weer in the trees, the other monkies could go about their business while the worried monkey kept looking around for leopards. Being depresssed didn't help that monkey, but it helped the group as a whole.
I look around and I see some people who are near to manic disorder, and they get a lot done.
Now consider some of the Asperger/Autistic traits such as obsession with small details, intense study of particular subjects, intense sensitivity to sound or light, obsession with collecting, etc. If a person has a few of these traits or minor versions of these traits, then they are the ones liable to be persistant enough to invent a light bulb or to realize that grain grows from seeds etc. I suspect that there are a lot of people with some traits who pass as neurotypicals. I think it's when someone winds up with too many traits in the genetic lottery that they find it hard to function.