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British autism groups arguing about diet

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eridani Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-17-07 09:10 AM
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British autism groups arguing about diet
Does fixing gut-related problems count as a "cure"?

Its approach is summarised by Jane Asher, president of the society, and 20 celebrities who have put their names to the campaign, including the actresses Helena Bonham Carter, Sheila Hancock and Prunella Scales and the chef Antony Worrall Thompson.

Ms Asher said: "The lack of understanding about autism among we so-called 'normal' people is one of the major causes of the unhappiness and isolation of those affected by this potentially devastating condition. It would be wonderful to think the NAS's campaign could change attitudes."

That is not good enough for Mrs Hawkings. Her son Edward's autism has improved, not from "greater public understanding" but thanks to medical advice which led her to cut out gluten, wheat and dairy foods from his diet, she said. Like many autistic children, Edward suffered severe gastrointestinal problems which have now been largely resolved.

"He had massive distended tummies, constipation, diarrhoea. He had private tests which you can't get on the NHS which showed he had a 'leaky' gut. A lot of doctors say it's rubbish, but it has helped Edward," said Mrs Hawkings.

She and her colleagues, members of the rival organisation Treating Autism, organised last week's letter to The Independent. Treating Autism is a charity that promotes therapy for children with autism and insists it works. "Hope for people with autism does not lie in celebrity endorsement and a pretence that autism is normal but in the torrent of medical research that is pouring out of the United States," its letter said. It accused the NAS of being "on another planet".

It was the first salvo in the latest round of hostilities in the autism movement. Similar disputes have been seen in other areas of disability between those who believe it is best to accept the condition and adapt to it, and those who insist on fighting for research funding and treatments.
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Kajsa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-21-07 06:06 PM
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1. I would say 'No'.

I do know that food allergies aggravate many conditions.

Whether or not this approach is helpful remains to be seen.

There is much resistance to adaptation and a big push for a
That does not not help my son and others with autism.
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Demeter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-20-08 08:39 PM
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2. Anything That Lessens My Kid's Uncontrollable Diarrhea Is a Plus
But she will always try to eat the stuff that makes her ill....or overeat, which also triggers explosive events. I have to keep food under lock and key.
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