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History was made last night: The word "autism" was uttered in a presidential debate

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KamaAina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-16-08 03:32 PM
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History was made last night: The word "autism" was uttered in a presidential debate
Four times, no less. Unfortunately, three of them were by McLoser, who seems to have autism confused with Down's syndrome:

She'll be my partner. She understands reform. And, by the way, she also understands special-needs families. She understands that autism is on the rise, that we've got to find out what's causing it, and we've got to reach out to these families, and help them, and give them the help they need as they raise these very special needs children....

And I just said to you earlier, town hall meeting after town hall meeting, parents come with kids, children -- precious children who have autism. Sarah Palin knows about that better than most. And we'll find and we'll spend the money, research, to find the cause of autism. And we'll care for these young children. And all Americans will open their wallets and their hearts to do so.

:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:

First of all, Bible Spice's son Trig does not have autism. He has Down's syndrome. Not the same thing. No connection at all between the two. Second, he is six months old. Moose-olini won't really know what it's like to raise a child with special needs until Trig reaches school age.

And to add insult to injury, fifteen seconds after the last utterance of "autism", McLoser said "vouchers". I can just see my mom (or Caribou Barbie, for that matter) going to some private school and saying, "John McCain gave me this voucher. So will you please enroll my son KamaAina?" :eyes:
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Kajsa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-22-08 01:34 PM
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1. McSame really doesn't know the difference
between autism and Down syndrome?

Then he shouldn't be discussing it!

I watched the debate too, and I was flabbergasted by the lack
of knowledge displayed by McSame.

As far as Palin is concerned, she cut funding for Special Ed. in
Alaska- no friend of mine.

No, I get newsletters and emails from several advocacy groups for the disabled
and I haven't heard ONE THING about Palin- good or bad.

She's not even on our radar- By Golly!

Vouchers just take money away from our public schools, but of course
that's the Repub agenda.

Thanks for posting this,KamaAina!

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