"criticism or advice that is useful and intended to help or improve something, often with an offer of possible solutions"
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/constructive%20criticismThere appears to be two elements to constructive criticism: (1) usefulness and (2) intent to help or improve.
Most of the shit on here does NOT qualify under this definition.
What should be allowed under the definition of constructive criticism, even if we don't agree and it makes us upset:-policy disagreements. Not really criticism at all in its purest form since it is about the POLICY not the PERSON.
"I think we should get out of Afghanistan; I don't agree with Obama's policy."
"I think a good health care bill should not have mandates."
-expressions of emotional reaction to things Obama does, again not really criticism since it focuses on the poster him or herself.
"I'm angry because Obama hasn't repealed DADT yet."
"I'm disheartened because of the loss of the public option."
-suggestions as to what Obama should do differently which can include the reasoning behind the suggestion, if useful and done with intent to improve his performance.
"Obama needs to go down and talk some sense into Harry Reid, the senate needs a swift kick in the butt."
"Obama should fire Tim Geithner and Larry Summers."
BUT NOT "Obama needs to listen less to the corporations and more to his progressive base." (Inflammatory)
-predictions that are not inflammatory
"Obama will have a tough relection in 12 if he does policy X"
"If Obama doesn't turn around the economy, Dems will probably lose seats in 10."
-calls for a primary challenger in 12. No one is entitled to the nomination for any office including president. That was the reasoning justifying Ned Lamont's challenge of Lieberman, for example. This, while unpleasant, should be allowed, as it is the democrats' prerogative to nominate the best candidate possible.
what should NOT be allowed under the definition of constructive criticism:-Questioning of motives/character without solid evidence from a reputable source to back up the charge. (IMHO the rules don't require us to ignore the fact based truth, even if unpleasant).
"Obama is a tool of the corporations."
"Obama doesn't really want a health care reform bill to pass."
"Obama hoodwinked us"
"Obama lied on the campaign trail about the public option."
-comparisons to republicans/right-wingers/teabaggers etc., without solid evidence from a reputable source to back up the charge.
"Obama is no different than Bush"
"Obama is a right of center president."
-Inflammatory characterizations in general
"Obama and his DLC buddies..."
"Obama doesn't care about poor people"
"Obama is an elitist"
"Obama is a failure as a president"
-Predictions that are inflammatory, except if there is solid evidence provided from a reputable source to back up the prediction
"Obama will be a one-term president"
"Obama is not going to pass a health care bill that is any good."
-Calls to support a third party challenge or stay home from voting. Unlike a primary, a challenger in the general election does nothing but help the opposition. Also includes concern-troll statements on the subject.
"If Obama doesn't do X, I will stay home/vote green"
"If Obama doesn't do X, will Democrats stay home?"