I did see it and I was very impressed! I have had a very rude awakening over the past few months that we on the left have a faction just as irrational as TEA BAGGERS! I hate to say that but it is true! I can't figure out what all these Obama Haters actually think Obama is suppose to do? SNAP his fingers and create a LIBERAL AMERICA over night? It will take time to repair the damage to this country and to the American mindset...The GOP has had 30 years to mislead and corrupt the thinking in this country that all government is bad despite the track record to the contrary...I laugh when the right says the government does nothing correct but they sure do like the military...What about NASA, Police, Fireman, Medicare (Which the GOP all of sudden is acting like they support) Social Security, etc. Nothing is perfect but our government has done many things beyond correct and it will take time to point this out to a population that has been lied to for 3 decades.
My brother asked me the other day if Obama had signed any new gun or ammo legislation because some of the guys he works with said Obama has limited ammo sales...I told him NO NO NO these ignorant knuckle heads are being used as tools by the NRA! I told him to look at the Stock Prices for Ruger & Smith & Wesson Jan-Feb 2009 when the NRA started their scare campaign as Obama took office...The Stock Prices for these gun companies doubled & tripled in just a month or two! Exactly what the NRA wanted to happen! I also told him that the ammo shortage is because all these knuckle heads have run out and spent their rent money on ammo to the point there is none left! LOL! Exactly what the NRA wanted! Anyone with a brain knows Obama is not coming to get anyone's gun and on top of that it would be political suicide to start a push for more gun control laws. Plus, I doubt there are the votes for more gun control laws even within the Democratic Party. It just goes to show how ignorant and foolish many people are in this country and especially how good the GOP is at exploiting this ignorance to their advantage! SAD!!! Religion & Guns have won the GOP many elections over the past 3 decades and hopefully those days are coming to an end. HOPEFULLY!!
Have you read this NYT Op-Ed?
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/09/opinion/09blow.html?hpI hope he is correct!