Edited on Wed Jan-13-10 03:17 PM by HughMoran
1) My coworker came in this morning and was excitedly telling me about how a judge in Texas was going to hear the Birther case. I told him that it was complete bullshit and that he should stop listening to his right-wing friends. I then asked him what sort of people would try to de-legitimize Obama. He said "racists". This from a long-haired hippie guy who goes to the next state over due to de-criminalized pot :smoke: Dare I ask him what his promoting of racist thinking says about him? :think:
2) Same coworker is complaining about "my taxes went up"! & how he hates Obama for this. I said "no, they didn't - I just checked into this yesterday and tax rates haven't changed since 2003." "But they took out $3 more in Federal taxes", he said. I explained that withholding can change from year to year & that $3/week wasn't a lot of money (he earns around $24/hr). He was still bent out of shape that his withholding had increased (seemed to suddenly be stupid about the difference between withholding and actual taxes paid - sigh. :eyes:
3) My mom (very liberal) of all people was going on and on about how the stimulus road signs cost $1000 each to make. I said "so what" 1) they are just wood signs like all the others you see on the highway during construction and 2) $100,000 for signs is really piddly compared to the 10's of billions being spent in stimulus road construction. :eyes: I assume it was the moranic neighbor upstairs who has 'old mans paranoia' and watches Faux News all the time, even though he spent his whole life photographing the Kennedys.:( He's decided to register as a Republican for the first time (couple years ago) even though I keep making him look like an idiot every single time he repeats a stupid right-wing talking point lie from Faux "News". Being wrong repeatedly serves as no deterrent whatsoever! :eyes:
4) Some right-wing troll posted a rant about taxes on a forum I read. I researched and discovered that it was originally written in 1985 (when Reagan (his hero) was in his second term - doh!), and besides, tax rates haven't changed since 2003. He then went on a screed about socialism and why is the government taking over healthcare and taking his guns and why does the government take so much of his paycheck. Apparently none of these things that haven't changed under Obama were a problem when Bush was President - whom he defended, of course. :eyes:
5) Look at GD & GDP - much of what the right is saying is being propelled as propaganda right here under our noses. Of course, they are simply "holding his feet to the fire". Ya, ok. :eyes:
Teh stupid, it burns!
Good must be vigilant.
I feel like I'm going to throw-up now after composing this thread. :puke:
(You'd never know that multiple articles were written claiming that Obama has had one of "the most successful 1st years of any President in our history.")