Edited on Wed Jan-27-10 12:50 PM by Number23
Many who are dissatisfied with Pres. Obama stood by and loyally defended ACORN because they knew such an amateurish attack on ACORN would eventually be shown to be one big false hood.
Just because they knew that ACORN was getting a bum rap on this particular angle, doesn't seem to have that much weight. ACORN is just one tool the right has used to go after the President, and a few of the folks here who scream that they are his "base" but seem to revel in his perceived "failures" were probably not distracted by this story because they were looking for a bigger fish. When every single slam against the President MUST be posted in GD, MUST be discussed ad nauseum (regardless of the truth of said slam), and MUST get a minimum of 125 recs, it is very hard not to realize that there are people actively working to smear and tarnish this President, truth and facts be damned.
There is no wake-up call for these folks. There is nothing for them to "wake up" to. They are doing exactly what makes them happy and feel fulfilled with their lives.