It was a couple of 80 year old women tearing it up.. and so funny to the bone.. But I will share it with you guys... Mom strikes again
I am going to try and put this down the best I can.. from an old Roosevelt Democrat who was visiting my Mom
Those two were taking names and making checkmarks.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Basically it went like this..
Just because you call yourself a Liberal.. does not mean you will not sell me out, been there and done that.
Just because you call yourself a Progressive, does not mean you will support Democratic ideals, what do you mean by progressive anyway.. why was liberal not good enough
Just because you call yourself a fiscally responsible Republican does not mean you have the first notion of what it is to balance a budget or run a government the size of the United States.
Just because you are tea party person, does not mean you have some special knowledge of how things should be run.. you sound like a group of crazy people with a bee in your underwear.
Just because you are a person of color, does not mean you cannot be racist.
Just because you are white, you might be a saint, but a lot of evil was done to separate yourselves and you just cannot hide that under a rock like it did not happen.
Just because you call yourself a Christian, does not mean you act anything like a Christian.
Just because you are a man, does not mean you are stronger, smarter or could fight your way out of a wet paper bag.. Nearly all wars are started by men.
Just because you are a woman.. does not mean you have the best intentions in supporting women when it comes to equal pay, reproductive rights, or justice for everyone.
Just because you are straight, does not mean you have the only rights to family, marriage, survival rights, and just being treated as everyone else.
Just because you are gay, does not mean your politics are very good..You could be a Liz Cheney warmonger or log cabin supporter for all I know..
Just because you are old, does not mean you have learned a damn thing.\
Just because you are young does not mean you understand a damn thing.
Just because you are a child, does not always make you that damn precious to those of us not related to you.
You can call yourself anything you want to.. does not make it so, or give you some kind of special knowledge..I got my eye on the whole lot of them..