"I live in Cleveland, although he's not my Rep. He is a grandstander. He'll do anything to get more attention. Many of his constituents just don't seem to care.
This last election, he had a strong opponent in the Democratic primary. However, he had several weak opponents in the same primary, too, which split up the anti-Kucinich voting bloc.
He's going have to screw something up big time in order for anyone to mount a successful campaign against him.".
Posted by: Wilco on March 10, 2010 at 10:05 AM
"A couple of weeks ago, in one of his "Word" segments, Colbert laid waste to Kucinich, our 'most effective legislator'. Compare him to Ted Kennedy, who compromised, got a piece of the pie, and then started fighting for more. Kucinich reminds me of a line from the French movie Vagabond, about a would be rebel: By insisting on his own uselessness, he strengthens the system he pretends he's rebelling against."Posted by: Jim on March 10, 2010 at 10:26
"The Kucinches and the Naders of the world need their irony meters recalibrated.
The very people most likely to complain derisively that "there isn't a dime's worth of difference between Democrats and Republicans" to justify their actions end up being the ones who in fact vote with rabid Republicans when the stakes are highest, or who help rabid Republicans -- who allegedly Dems should not want to be like -- succeed.
This seems akin, to use a timely health care analogy, to curing the cold by killing the patient.
Or maybe Kucinich has just gotten Massa-esque in his petulance over running several times for President. He'll show that damned party that won't nominate him! He'll have the last laugh!"Posted by: zeitgeist on March 10, 2010 at 10:33 AM
"The thing about Kucinich's stand is that it's principled, not pragmatic. If we had more people voting for their principles, maybe we wouldn't have Congress held in thrall to the big-money interests, willing to call it "reform" when it's largely a giveaway to the same insurance companies ..."
If we had more people who wouldn't vote for anything they didn't consider just exactly right, nothing would get passed. That's a great outcome if you're someone who doesn't think the government should do anything but build toll roads and run the army. If you're someone who thinks the government should have a larger role in running a social safety net, not so much. Sometimes you need to look around, note who you're voting with, and figure out what your precious principles are worth and whose interests they're really advancing.
Hundreds of thousands will die prematurely due to lack of access to health care before Congress revisits the issue with a proposal even this good again. Is moral superiority really worth their lives?Posted by: drkrick on March 10, 2010 at 10:49 AM
"Who is Dennis kidding here? Seriously. Does he believe virtue is so important that it's worth denying Americans the right to sufficient and affordable health care."
Posted by: NuttyPine on March 10, 2010 at 9:46 AM
"Kucinich is the Dem equivalent of Ron Paul: a good devil's advocate in some cases but useless when it comes down to actually governing."Posted by: sacman701 on March 10, 2010 at 11:15 AM
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