We have embarassed ourselves, and frankly embarassed the good name of the President.
We have, it has been pointed out by extremely credible sources, engaged in discussions where we have been telling our interlocutors to "shut up and take what your given".
As I have no reason to doubt the veracity of these accusations so I think that we all should get up tomorrow an hour earlier and practice contemplative devotions in line with each of our religious and/or metaphysical disciplines and summon the inner strength and transcendental qualities that will help you refrain from saying "shut up and take what your given" again.
I cannot tell you how disappointed Cliffordu is going to be when I tell him tomorrow, in the middle of his harrowing 100 mile bicycle ride tomorrow that we have slipped and started telling our brothers and sisters at DU to "shut up and take what your given".
In the Thai tradition there is a practice where political leaders having been accused of ill temper or poor judgement announce that because of the harsh criticism they are going to "reconsider themselves". This involves going to a place of meditation and trying to objectively reconsider all of your actions and how they may have hurt or effected other people.
For that reason each of us should spend a significant portion of the next few days in a dark corner of a room with a scented candle and music, maybe something from Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young (during thier brief sober happy period) and carefully review each and every post you have written in order to gain perspective from point of view. This will allow us to take corrective action so that our gentle friends who are now experiencing such painful and tormented dreams at night because in our enthusiasm we went too far and started telling our gentle friends to "shut up and take what your given" might be assured that we would not resort to such sentiments in the future.
I can only imagine the disappointment if the President or Michelle or even Sasha or Malia or even that cute dog were to happen to visit our group and discover that we have gone on a crusade of upbraiding the frail and more innocent interlocutors whose well being and pleasant frame of mind have been crushed with biting discussion.
It is so unfortunate that we did not become aware of this intolerant and aggressive messaging by various folks in our group during the valentine fund raising so that we could generously sprinkle valentines among the despirited people who were told to "shut up and take what your given".
Each of us should commit to composing several stanzas of poetry, preferably in Iambic pentameter using the heroic couplet, although anything in Latin or Greek is always welcome, and share it with our inflicted and wounded compatriots.
Those with musical gifts can compose songs and record on youtube so that we could present our guilt filled melodies in the political video section.
Someone should start a Facebook Group that announces our repentance. You can explain what the hell Facebook is so that I can join and show support. There will be no twittering on the subject because after all we have to have some standards.
Finally we should deputize someone to review the tone and content of our posts to ensure that we do not transgress the rules of civility and comity and tell people to "shut up and take what your given". I would nominate FrenchieCat to do this because while we all know her to be refined and restrained in speech she can in extreme situations express herself firmly and I am sure that none of us would like to be taken to task by FrenchieCat for telling people to "shut up and take what your given".
If we all work together it is possible that we could clean up this scandal over the next 4 weeks and that Cliffordu could end his trip resurrecting the spirit of Diogenes looking for an honest person somewhere on highway 101 without ever hearing of this.
There should be a brief period of discussion and we should come to a vote on a programme for rehabilitating our image in the rest of the DU community. The programme should then be handed out to all members for implementation and at that time you should just shut up and take what your given.