"Senator says Kagan critical of Supreme Court""Specter said Kagan agreed with him that the court takes "too few cases" and erred this year in its landmark 5-4 ruling that struck down campaign finance limits. As U.S. solicitor general, Kagan represented the government in that case and unsuccessfully sought to keep those limits."She said she felt that the court was not sufficiently deferential to Congress," in the case, known as Citizens United, Specter said.
President Barack Obama, who nominated Kagan on Monday, denounced the ruling as having opened the gates to special interest money in U.S. politics and took the rare step of criticizing it in his State of the Union speech in January.
Specter said Kagan also reiterated her criticism that the Senate confirmation process yields little information about Supreme Court nominees and that one justice was less than forthcoming during his or her confirmation hearing.
Specter declined to identify the justice, but said it was not Chief Justice John Roberts, who Specter himself has complained was less than candid during his 2005 hearing."