This afternoon the First Lady welcomed nearly 100 local students to the White House to kick off the South Lawn Series – events throughout the summer season to bring local children, sports leagues, community programs and coaches to the South Lawn to participate in sports, games and activities. Today’s event featured sports trainers from the Washington Redskins, Capitals, Nationals and Wizards as well as PE teachers from DC Public schools who demonstrated ways for kids to get 60 minutes of active play per day. The First Lady, alongside Shellie Pfohl, Executive Director of the President's Council on Physical Fitness, moved too – taking part in obstacle courses, knee lifts and running drills.
The Series is in support of Let’s Move! – the First Lady’s initiative to end childhood obesity within a generation. In remarks to the very first group of participants, the First Lady stressed the importance of getting in at least 60 minutes of exercise, not just at the White House today, but everyday:
Rest of story with video: