Fed up with BP and all their BS in this oil spill mess? You are not alone - about as not alone as not alone can be. And you and all that good, angry company need to keep your sights set on the true villains in this story.
With its coverage shifting away from BP's criminal negligence to the Obama administration's response to the crisis, much of the media has been forming and fueling a growing public perception that the White House has been part of the problem. Fox News and congressional loudmouths who spent the past year screaming against "big government" interfering in the private sector, are now all for it.
So President Obama held a press conference today to refute charges he wasn't doing enough to take charge of the situation. He made it clear the federal government has been fully engaged and in charge of BP's actions from Day One, while admitting painful mistakes have been made, and learned from. He slammed and pledged reform of the federal Mineral Management Service that for many years has been in bed with the oil industry, rather than providing oversight of it.
The president explained that it is BP, not the federal government, that has the equipment, expertise and responsibility for stopping a spill that is incredibly difficult to stop - and for cleaning up the mess left behind, and for paying damages to all affected individuals and entities. He made it clear that while it was BP that had to stop the spill, there will be more active federal involvement in the cleanup, and strict oversight of every aspect of BP's handling of the entire mess moving forward.
It's now time to take the media's overblown coverage of the Obama oil spill response storyline and put it in proper perspective - keeping an eye on it, but devoting far more attention, anger and action to BP, and an oil industry determined to keep drilling off our coasts, at any cost. If ever there was a time for Floridians to unite in political action on an issue, this is that time, and offshore drilling is that issue.