said about bush but does everyone know what bush said earlier the same day?
.."But the right seems surprisingly worked up about this. Not only did National Review run a couple of angry items, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio), the man who intends to be Speaker of the House this time next year, went so far as to issue a public statement, calling on Paul McCartney to "apologize to the American people for his conduct."
There are a few competing angles to this, but I'd like to emphasize just one. The same day McCartney told a harmless joke about George W. Bush's limited intellect, George W. Bush boasted about having ordered torture as president, and insisted he wouldn't change a thing if he had it to do over again.***So, just so we're clear, a musician telling a Bush-is-dumb joke generates a fair amount of outrage in some conservative circles. A former president admitting to ordering torture -- bragging about utilizing a technique that the United States has long considered criminal, and has even prosecuted -- is completely fine.
One, in Boehner's mind, requires an apology; the other is a source of partisan pride.
There's something deeply wrong with this picture.***Paul was being kind.