"Sharron Angle, the Republican nominee for Senate in Nevada against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, has already lost one big-name Republican in the state: Reno Mayor Bob Cashell, who had previously supported Sue Lowden in the GOP primary -- and now says he's supporting Harry Reid.
"I think Sharron Angle is just too far to the right for me," Cashell said on Wednesday, in an interview with the local NBC affiliate. "She's an ultra-right winger. I can't support her. I don't support her."
Cashell elaborated: "Oh she's wild. She's wild. I mean, with the wild ideas she has going back to Washington, our state will suffer and we would never get anything done. And so I'm supporting Harry Reid, and I will go all the way for Harry Reid."
http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/06/gop-mayor-of-reno-backs-reid-calls-angle-wild.phpLooks like Bob learned a lesson from bachmann or some teabagger.
In much related news..
<Interesting snippet>
"Nevada's GOP First Lady(Dawn Gibbons) To TPM: I'm Backing Harry Reid Over Sharron Angle""Gibbons has her own theory about why one time frontrunner Sue Lowden's campaign deflated Tuesday. When Lowden was chairman of the Nevada Republicans, she prevented then-presidential candidate Ron Paul from speaking at the state convention. Libertarians have been mad at her ever since. "Those Ron Paul people were upset with her. That came out in the election because those are the people that remembered and this was their time to get even," Gibbons said.As for Reid, Gibbons said she considers him to be "effective" for Nevada and the economy. She said she endorsed him last fall and is "very passionate" about his reelection.
She said Reid is responsible for stopping the dumping of nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain in rural Nevada. "That's a blessing for all our children. We don't want our children to light up at night, thank you very much," she said.On a trip to Washington in 1997 with her husband on official business, she noticed people were being extra nice because they were from Reid's home state of Nevada. "We got better treatment when we were in Washington, and that's kind of nice," Gibbons said."
http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/06/dawn-gibbons-talks-to-tpm-on-angle-lowden-and-why-she-backs-harry-reid.phpNothing about chicken nonsense.:)
Shout out to Steve Benen for passing on the articles from TPM. Thanks.