I support Peace on Earth, although I realize that my just wanting that is not what will make it happen. But no, I don't support most wars (although WWII was justified IMO). I also believe that we should not be spending the money that we do on defense. I think it is a travesty that we should invest so much in that when we need so many other things to make life for our citizenry better.
I support the established law Roe vs. Wade, and will consistently support a democratic administration in order to insure that the judges in charge of making any decision in reference to it are pro-choice.
I support single payer health care, even if I believe that there are too many forces against it that would have allowed it to be done this time around. I do believe that we can get there though...and I will work towards that end.
I support clean energy and very strong environmental safeguards via governmental oversight, although I realize that dirty energy forces have been at work infiltrating and corrupting our government for the last 30 years minimum, and that it will take this country's united political will, time and patience (and possibly further disasters) to get us at an acceptable level of using as much clean energy as safely as possible.
I support the best free education, primary as well as secondary, for all Americans, and although I put my kids through private school, I don't ever begrudge paying taxes going towards public education, and would be willing to pay more taxes if only it would be used in a way that would benefit the children.... because I believe that the more educated our society is, the more we all benefit. I do think that we have to get a handle on the current education crisis, although I'm not sure I know what the perfect answer is.
I believe in a strong central government, because giving too much power to the states is a dangerous proposition, and history on this is my guide.
I believe in marriage equality, because all consenting adults should have the freedom to pursuit their own happiness, as stated and guaranteed in the constitution.
I believe that government should reign in corporations, because corporate interest does not equal an individual's interest, and corporations should not have the same rights as citizens.
I believe in Net Neutrality, because where would we be exactly without the Internet? Totally fucked, IMO.
I believe in progressive taxing policies, because those who experience success in this society, should support those who are still trying to get there; that's what living in a shared society should mean.
I believe in a living wage, because this country is to boundiful for that not to be the case. I also believe that government jobs are just as good as any other jobs.
I believe in free and open elections, and I don't care for the voting machines at all, and believe that something should be done about them; like they should be banned.
I believe that certain basic needs of people living in this society should be insured, that includes food, a roof over one's head, health care, education and dignity. That's why I support Social Security, housing assistance, single payer health care, and welfare for those who want to help themselves.
I believe that the media should not be ran by a bunch of corporate conglamorates, and in fact I find it extremely dangerous that they are, and will work actively to change that.
There are other things that I believe, but this is a good round up. Yes, I'm a Progressive and a Liberal....although I'm not a cynical Liberal as I do not doubt most of the moves made by this administration as being nefarious in nature.
I do believe that this administration, based on what it has the power to do, will try to advance the majority of the goals that I have stated as ones that I want, and I think that based on the alternative, they will make my reality closer to what I believe. So no, I don't believe we can achieve exactly what I believe in right away, because we have been going away from most of what I have listed for so very long.
You see, I also believe that our opposition wants just about the exact opposite of everything I have listed as my beliefs as a Liberal, and it is because of it that I have chosen to fight the opposition much harder than to fight those who share some measure of my goals.
Those in direct opposition of what I believe are my opponents, in particular the more on my list that they check off as believing the opposite.
So I value doing what I can in working to get to where I want us to get to, as much as actually being there....since I know by now that we can't just get there .... just like that, although I often wish we could.