1. I don't like the word "progressive". To me it's a capitulation to "conservatives'" illegitimate efforts to trash the word "liberal". I am a liberal. I am proud of the word liberal. I am proud of liberal accomplishments and I see no reason to capitulate to ideological hacks and their corrupt, bankrupt agenda. I wish we would all call ourselves liberals.
2. I don't think this election is as much of a plebiscite on liberalism as "conservatives" would want it to be, or of course they will most certainly spin it. Democrats can't help but lose seats because: a) they have so many more than Republicans to lose; and b) there have only been two midterms since the Civil War where the party in power didn't lose seats. Ironically the last time was under Bush, but I think 9/11 had a lot to do with that. But then I don't know how he got elected to a second term--still scratching my head over that one.
3. I think the pragmatism thing makes a lot of sense. But will our own radical ideologues sink our ship? I think they just might do that, and I don't think there's any more chance of talking sense into them as there is talking sense to radical ideologue "conservatives".
That's my take away on all of this. Radical ideologues will do us in every time. Moderation in everything and everything in moderation.