I have to some extent some agreement with the sentiments of the author of this post at AmericaBlog
http://www.americablog.com/2010/08/gibbs-people-who-are-upset-with-obama.htmlThere are disappointments in the way the President has handled things but he is not the Messia and that Messiah crap anyway came from the candidate he resoundingly defeated in the Primaries anyway and not from Obama supporters.
Closing GITMO is something that should have been done but that promise woas not betrayed by the President it was betrayed by Democratic embers of Congress.
I did not expect anything else than the current policy on Iraq and Afghanistan. As candidate Barack Obama said that there was a need to push for a greater effort in Afganistan, What I feared and what has been avoided was an extension of that idiotic war to the rest of the Middle East as quite clearly, with their increased hatred of Muslims, the Republicans would have done. Do you really think those Palin idiots would not have been there pushing a McCain Presidency closer and closer to the rapture?
I want and need the US economy to turn around. Without a successful US, the UK and Europe as a whole will fail as well. It is not for nothing it is said if America catches a cold, Britain gets the flu. Well America caught the flu and the UK went in to near terminal decline. He stopped America getting an even bigger bout of flu.
So I have to say my expectations of the Obama Presidency are pretty much well met.
I do however understand
some of the anger directed towards Gibbs (Rahm must be quite happy now). It is of course no surprise to find some ususal suspects stoking up that anger.
One of the posters doing it over at America Blog, ginaswo was a regular at two far right hate sites that claimed to have supported Hillary Clinton. NoQuarter and Hillbuzz. Now busy running round saying he would not vote for the President. Interesting. He said that in 2008
here :
http://www.noquarterusa.net/blog/2008/06/30/so-not-getting-over-it-you-renfields-can-bite-me/and numerous times here
http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=ginaswo+site:hillbuzz.org&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=so no different to before then.
Screw them.