One of my earliest memories has me holding onto the hem of Mom's skirt as she went door-to-door for Eisenhower. She and Dad did what they could for their favored Republicans. Until the day he died at age 92 Dad believed in the GOP and Rush Limbaugh. So Mom just flat out floored all of us when she voted for Obama at the tender age of 89, the first time in her life she'd voted for a Democrat.
When Mom called to chat yesterday, she mentioned that her church had held a dinner to fete some newly naturalized citizens. She said the group at her table were talking about the upcoming elections, excited to register and vote for the first time. Mom cautioned them against letting the media elect our officials, telling them to listen to the candidates instead of the news. I'm guessing that living with a dittohead taught her some unintended lessons.
Anyway, she went on to say how much she still likes Barack Obama, and that it's so wrong that no matter how much good he does the media tries to make him look bad. Go Mom! She's still registered as a Republican, and I'm really hoping that some of their pollsters call her, they'll get an earful.
Mom may sometimes forget where she put the cat, but she does seem to have the rest of her priorities in good order.
(xposted from GD)