An interesting and at times VERY true rant from the Afrosphere (as our friend Angee calls it). I'm finding it more and more important to read and sometimes post the thoughts of minority Dems these days to balance the non-stop unrelenting negativity coming out of certain quarters.
White Male Privilege, Pink Tutus, Liberals can be bigots too…oh and Michael Moore is Fat. "The Democrats have prided themselves on being a big tent party by accepting everyone and their viewpoints. Big Tent party doesn’t truly make you a racially empathetic party though, now does it? Every time I read about how timid, cowardly, weak, or how PBO isn’t black enough… I have to remind myself that these dolts only account for 5% of the electorate. Most of these twinkies who call President Obama weak couldn’t hold his jockstrap.
You know whom I think is weak and cowardly, the press and pundits for their lack of a frame of reference for President Obama’s governing and political style. I can think of no President going back beyond Eisenhower who combines his technocratic governing and rhetorical and organizational genius for electoral politics. So the pundits fall for the cheap trick of pining for a swaggering tough-guy ideal. Abraham Lincoln would have suffered the same treatment by our present sorry-ass press.
That is not the first time that Maher has made that “gangsta” statement. I didn’t find it funny then and I don’t find it funny now. When I first heard it, it immediately occurred to me that this is exactly what the left was expecting from Obama. Obama gave them no reason to believe that he was “gangsta”, this is the stereotype they have of black men. And any black man who doesn’t act all gangsta must then be weak. That’s what it looks like to me and its makes me sick. This “tutu” comment from Moore is interesting considering how liberals have been painted as weak, effeminate, and whiny. Hey maybe liberals are just projecting?
When is someone going to call out Maher and Moore and the entire liberal crew that they have stereotype/race issues that THEY need to work out?"
Bill Maheri's issues with race as well as with women are well known, and I'm not entirely sure that I agree with the writer's characterization of Moore as someone with questionable racial issues too. But I do agree that the folks whining the loudest about how "weak" Obama is have bought into some bizarre idea of how a "manly" politician is supposed to act. If Bush is the epitome of that "manliness" than I thank God Obama is nothing like him.