While the Afghanistan War continued for 8 years, it wasn't that big an issue, and in fact, it appears that if Obama wouldn't have called for this formal review, no one would have really given a shit if we would have continued status quo for a few more years.
But, since OBama decided to call a review, to actually come up with a new strategy for Afghanistan in order to take action and wrap up this protracted war, now he is the bad guy? He is being treated as though he is declaring war, when in reality is that he is shifting strategy to clean up this shit left behind.
How is it that those who are so opposed to war today, didn't seem to give much of a shit in October, since the war was going on right under their noses, and had been for 8 years, without an end in sight....?
Why is it that Obama determines to provide us with a strategy and an end game, all of the sudden the natives are carrying their head in their hand cause their hair is on fire, acting like this man started this war.
If someone is going to tell me that there is more concern because 30,000 additional troops are going in, the question then become, would it have been any better if the 30,000 saw combat through rotation rather than coming in as added force? And why didn't the soldiers who are already there without the 30,000 count for less?
Why are some posters showing photos of bloody carnage, and why is anyone who still supports Obama is being called a warmonger? Why wasn't that the case in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October and most of November....cause the war has been going on since and before then.
Why such fervent "concern" for our soldiers now, soldiers who have historically voted for the Repugs (who send them to war) in the majority, as though they need protection from big bad Obama? It almost smell like the "concern" the Right Wing uses about the unborn.
What in the fuck is going on here, and why doesn't it make any sense?
Last question: What do you think the dramatics and outrage are really about?