With the sure passage of the Senate Bill and its inevitable move to Conference Committee, we stand on he verge of the greatest piece of progressive legislation since Johnson passed Medicaid and Medicare. The irony is the a big chunk of the progressive left have turned against the legislation, the President, and the Senators that brought us here.
The route of progressives shouldn't be surprising, there have been grumblings from very early, some of them for very understandable reasons. Obama saved the banks rather than rounding up the CEO's and toss them in jail. Obama did not end "Don't Ask Don't Tell." He did not throw open the gates of Gitmo prison and lead the prisoners into the promised land of where-ever-the-hell-they-want-to-go. Obama did not demand his AG put Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld (Oh My!) on trial in the Rose Garden. He didn't order our troops instantly out of Iraq. He escalated the Afghan War.
A lot of those decisions were the pragmatic decision a President makes in the act of Governing. They hurt, of course, in the same way a lovers thoughtless remark cuts to the quick. These pragmatic decisions have led from small complaints to deflections to a mass rout. They payed into a strong belief by many progressives in a monstrous conspiracy among corporations, a corporotocracy that controls government so that even the most progressive Senators will obey they without question. Many of them actually believe that Republicans love the bill but are voting against it so we won't guess at the true machinations of their Corporate overlords. The accept at face value that corporations have spent 200+ million dollars to stop any regulation in order to hide the fact that these corporations really want this bill.
I am not saying that Corporate money doesn't have an influence in our systems, way too much influence. But the opposition of progressives goes beyond an anger at the unfairness of money = free speech (more money = yell louder). At this point, I don't see that there is anything we can do about many of these people. It is likely no more possible to change the minds of progressives than it is to change the mind of the teabaggers. Teabaggers are convinced that Obama is a Muslim Socialist and the progressive left is convinced he is part of a Corporatist (Fascist) Conspiracy.
The result is that I have been gobsmaked by the irony that progressives are fighting do destory real progress.