The thing that makes me madder than just about anything is the "I hate Obama because he said he'd do this, or that or the other thing" rants is that the ranter THEN comes to the conclusion that HE LIED!!!
That whole line of 'reasoning' assumes he can just attack what he wants to, not react to the equivalent of a choking patient with an artery pumping blood....
It's about Triage.
When he walked through the door the economy worldwide was collapsing - and as odious as it seems, the banks needed bailing out as did the car companies (which looks to be turning out to be pretty good for the taxpayers if what I read about the money coming back is correct....)
So he took care of that first. Can't let the country bleed out...
He understands that whatever he focuses his public energy on is going to be the point of the spear in the "Stop Obama at all costs" portion of the US....and the ONLY thing the press is going to want to obsess over 24/7
If he had ordered Cheney and Rummy jailed on January 22 last year, that is all anyone would be talking (ranting) about - the R's could be more insane than they are now and Congress would have done LESS than they have done so far this year - and that story that would completely dominate the news, like the Clinton sex thingy, 24/7, for as long as Obama is in office.
As much as I'd like to see Cheney frogmarched into prison it might not happen, Maybe not right away..... maybe never, but that is a long ways off....
Look at how the Health Care roller coaster/sellout/big business giveaway has been blamed almost entirely on him - The most inflammatory charge is that he did 'secret deals' with the Pharm industry.
(Maybe he did. Big deal. Everyone does business with them. Maybe what he was really doing was peeling them off from their lobbying partnership with the Insurance racket so Congress would only have to fight that one huge special interest instead of both of them......And it looks like it might work.)
And the news cycle - 24/7 of "...Is the prez going to ask for a public option? is the Prez going to make people have abortions? Death panels??"
The Prez can handle more than one thing at a time...Unfortunately the peeple and the media cannot. Andrea Mitchell asking some drone if the death panels were real were a real breaking point for me....
We are all aware of the rest of the charges leveled at him by some of the bigmouths on other forums here, and in the press and in the teabagger sites, so I'll leave them for others to illuminate.....
But back to my point:
So now the world's economy is sorta stabilized...mostly...and the health care bill is almost done - (I know, I know...it is a far cry from what we need and it will have to get a lot better...)
But it IS the signature issue of his first term, and as a value-add he has just ground the republicans to a fine paste, just by ignoring them.
What's next?? What is the current pressing issue for the Country??
Well, we need Jobs, Lots of freaking jobs....
And I heard the other day he is working on that....And he was considering using the money coming back from the bailouts to fund that....
At this point I don't know if they are going to do it or not, but I wasn't surprised to hear he was considering something as elegant as using the money from bailouts for job creation....
I'll bet that money shows up for a major jobs bill.....Maybe, like the money that was magically, and at the last minute was inserted into that "terrible insurance giveaway" for FOURTEEN THOUSAND COMMUNITY HEALTH CARE CENTERS - sliding scale community health care centers (with dental)....14,000 of them?
Did I read that right??..??? fourteen thousand sliding scale clinics!!!!! SOUNDS LIKE PUBLIC HEALTH CARE For 45 million people, or so....
But I digress.
When the bleeding has stopped and the patient is breathing again...Then move on and do the next dumb fucking thing.
What now? Three years left and health care almost out of the way......Not finished but off the front page....
I hope there is now time for DADT, and DOMA, and a date for Cheney and Wolfowitz and Rummy and the justice system.
I know, I know...The Prez has been making statements to the contrary about Cheney and the crew - but again, whatever he says is what the press and the Congressional complainers obsess over......
Triage, talk ONLY about what needs done NOW....
And I know that the Justice Department has had to defend DOMA in court - they are required to under the law, - sick as it is - the law of the land.....
I expect that to change when he tells congress to work on it...He has said he will, and I have to trust that.
So Here we are, just under a full year since he took the oath.....Feels like a full term already.
You know what?
I just wanna know what's next.