lately! It would also have value as a way for us to iron-out/argue/discuss the points instead of the personalities behind them (I would like to see references stricken that start out with stuff like: My guy/gal says ___ is good because ....! Let's have old time DU links that back up the points, not candidate's web pages!).
Let's see what the platform/planks can look like w/out the 'candidate selling'. I think if we see the platform being built from a truly progressive 'ground-on-up', then take a look at the candidates from THAT perspective, a clearer picture of the candidates could emerge? Although getting any kind of consensus on the different planks would be damn near impossible, I'd be interested to see the process ... proceed.
I'm used to having DU be my 'go-to-place' for information - w/all the candidate pimping/bashing/selling going on it's become more difficult to dig out truths from sales pitches. I don't look to be 'sold' - I want to be convinced, if that makes any kind of sense!:shrug:
I like the idea ... now how do we get it rolling? Request a forum? Plop it down in the middle of GD-P?:evilgrin:
Oh ... and rec'ed!:thumbsup: