He has asked everyone to E-mail this to our elected representatives in Congress:
(Personal note: With the SOTU coming up tomorrow night, I think this is very timely. And I hope our Dem leaders act appropriately, knowing we're watching them. That's right: US. The ones being spied on. Lied to. The ones who have seen our rights and liberties eroded by this man and his administration. The ones who can't afford health insurance, prescriptions, and who struggle to fill up our gas tanks so we can work two jobs. And most importantly, the ones who are dying for his lie. The ones who have lost loved ones due to his irresponsibility, cronyism, and greed.
Here's a link to Pizzo's website, but this doesn't appear on it, it came in an E-mail. News For RealThe Sound of No Hand clappingIf Democrats are not going to impeach George W. Bush then the very least they can do is refrain from applauding him.
Don't ya think?
All Democrats need to do this year when George W. Bush strides down the aisle, pumping hands and slapping backs, Tuesday night on his way to the podium to deliver this year's State of the Union speech, is nothing. Since that's something Democrats have spent the last six years practicing, they should have no trouble doing it one more time.
So, Democrats – and straight-thinking Republicans – why not spare us the trained-seal act this year? Stand in respect for the office, but keep your flippers folded politely in you laps. Don't clap. And most certainly don't cheer.
And when he reaches the podium, and is introduced by Speaker Pelosi, remain seated and busy your hands by checking your Blackberry for messages, straightening your tie or scratching that itch. But please, no clapping.
Doing so would provide those us watching on TV two important services. First, we would not have witness those we voted for because they promised to “do the right thing,” applauding the man who has done more wrong than any President in our nation's history. Second it would allow us to identify those serving in Congress who are either truly stupid or incurably corrupt, because who else – at this point, after all that's happened – who else would applaud and cheer such a man?
Nothing would speak louder, to this President, to the nation and to the world, than silence Tuesday night. Stand, but stand as you do when the casket is rolled down the church aisle at a funeral mass. Stand in silence, in respect for the office of the Presidency and in mourning for the ways the current holder of that office has abused it, disgrace it and in so doing, disgraced us all.
So, email this to your elected representative before Tuesday night's State of the Union. Tell them that, since they can't screw up the courage to remove the festering tumor, the least they can do is not applaud him.
Don't ya think?