Edited on Sat Jun-02-07 01:58 PM by PCIntern
A microtome-slice better than CNN's but here goes the spew...
The veryattractivebutsnarky Chris Jansen is anchoring the usual gang of suspects. I really enjoyed her interview with the man she called "Commisioner" Kerik. His most famous line from 9/11: "What's the phone number for air cover?" Better known for his dalliances in apartments overlooking the site - one presumes he wasn't studying documents in preparation for the next attack (coming soon at a Cable Channel near you). Retired COLONEL (That's COLONEL, SIR, to you) Jack Jacobs: MSNBC's manwhoknowsallabouteverythingmilitaryorseditious, inserted his cassette about all the potential threats in the US. On and on and on, waxing poetic...well, not exactly poetic; he was clearly having problems reading from his cheat-sheet, you almost got the feeling that he was called in school for his oral report but forgot to practice it. Eventually he got it together. Usually, he refers to his fellow cadets at the Point who became well-known. Live-in-fear is his mantra. He's obviously on 24 hour call for these sorts of events. Of course, Peter King, a Rethug Rep from a Democratic Metropolitan area. Never could figure that one out. NYC elects the only Rethugs who are pro-choice, pro gay rights, the whole area is one of absolute tolerance in every sense, Quaker and otherwise, and we are incessantly exposed to Peter King, one of the most insidious apologists for Junior's Reign. Is there not one Democratic Representative who is not Al Sharpton who is available for the TV cameras?
The video running alongside the press conference is interesting...planes landing, waiting in line for takeoff, parking lots for cars, fuel tanks, trucking docks, freight bays. They just show the same stuff looped around 60 times.