Nova M is now charging $9.99/month, or $100/year for access to the MP3s. So you're gonna have to listen live, pay up, or go without Mike every night.
And White Rose Society won't be archiving Mike anymore, since he's working for Nova M now. He explains why they had to start charging:
Okay, Truthseekers, listen up. All future archives of The Mike Malloy show will be found at Nova-M radio's web site. I am working with Nova-M to help them create these archives every day, and as of now am working for FREE to help make Nova-M a success. Unlike the Right-wing networks, Nova-M did not start out with a "silver spoon" in its mouth, and paying the salaries for Mike and Kathy and the Phoenix production staff, Ian and Bily are straining the kitty to the maximum.
So, starting this Monday, Nova-M will be charging for access to the archives. Trust me when I tell you that this is not a step taken lightly! This is not some evil corporation trying to pile on the cash, but rather a struggling enterprise trying to survive long enough to be self-sustaining on its ad revenue.
Now, the streams will remain free of charge, and that includes the Ogg Vorbis and Modem streams which White Rose provides. And the historical archives of all of Mikes shows will remain here at White Rose.
Nothing is free in this world, and that includes internet servers and bandwidth! No significant revenues are to be derived from advertisements on streams or podcasts at this point in history, and my experience in raising money for White Rose shows me that pulling in $30,000 in a year in free-will contributions is nearly impossible. So, it has to be done by paid subscription fees. It will cost about 33 cents a day and I really hope you all subscribe. The network needs you.
Ben Burch
White Rose Society Webmaster
Nova-M Radio Networks Volunteer Audio Guru
I have mixed feelings about this; I know that bandwidth and storage space costs a lot of money, and I want the network to survive. Air America has had its own "premium" service for about a year now, and paid subscriptions for podcasts are name of the game for all of talk radio, conservative and liberal.
But this will probably cut down on the time I'll be able to listen to Mike, since I'm not always home at 9 PM Eastern time, when he comes on, and I can't really afford anything extra.