Thom + Stephanie + Sam Seder + Randi Rhodes or Rachel Maddox === now THAT would be worthwhile viewing.
For YOU KoKo01 - you are NOT alone in feeling tired - there IS hope -->
I Have a Dream, and a Plan (Brent Budowsky)
America stands at the threshold of a new Democratic president, Democratic Congress, FDR-magnitude realignment and a national spirit reminiscent of the New Frontier.
There will be a transformation of American media as powerful as the days when Edward R. Murrow took integrity and quality to broadcast radio and then network television.
By November 2008 there will be a giant mega-move of mutual empowerment and support networks of the progressive Internet, radio and politics that will have extraordinary power to drive ratings, move money and turn out votes.
Follow the numbers. American politics today involves a large majority of Americans who feel disrespected by the power institutions of politics and media.
For every poll about high disapproval for the president and Congress, and declining ratings for fossilized forms of “entertainment,” giant constituencies are waiting for a voice.
Why do the morning and primetime lineups of MSNBC hosts look like a segregated, all-male country club of the 1950s? Stephanie Miller did a sensational job guest hosting the Imus slot and is one smart executive away from becoming the next cable host superstar with success equal to that of Keith Olbermann.
Do the math: We are on the right side and Republicans are on the wrong side of global warming, where 80 percent of Americans want change. Republicans are in bed with oil companies, who make record profits while they rip off consumers and profit from wars, while homeless vets go hungry and disabled vets are often neglected.
Let the partisans of the right and the media megaphone for their game champion their world of endless war and their politics of endless fear.
We stand for a politics where our heritage comes from a president who led his crew in PT-109 and wrote a book called Profiles in Courage. If we stand for courage and they stand for fear, we win that debate in a landslide.