Light and the Plot to Assassinate Kucinich
These two videos give a brief rundown of the history behind “the people’s mayor” and the principles which guide his public service. Like all great men, Dennis was targeted for assassination, but was fortunately spared by other health problems. This is the kind of person we need in the White House. Someone who will stand up against the corruption and greed of his fellow presidential candidates, top tier Democrats included.
Muny Light of Kucinich’s promise to the city was to cancel the sale of the publicly owned electric company, Municipal Light, to the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company (CEI), a private electric company. The sale was initiated by Perk, but when Kucinich came to office, that all changed.
When he canceled the sale, CEI went to a United States federal court to demand that Muny Light pay $14 million in damages for the power it had purchased and to get an order attaching city equipment. Quickly, Kucinich attempted to pay the bill by cutting city spending. However, The Cleveland Trust Company, then Ohio’s largest bank, told him that they would not renew the city’s credit on $14,000,000 (USD) of loans taken out by the previous administration unless Kucinich would agree to sell. As it happened, Kucinich did not sell and at midnight on December 15, 1978, Cleveland Trust made Cleveland the first major American city since the Great Depression to default on its financial obligations