I have lived in this area for over 2.5 years and have never seen a comment get so many responses. And, I did not get one of the responses (I had written one about how the writer was out of the mainstream of today’s Republican party because he only called for liberals being put on reservations, and not for assassinations and mass murder like Republican leaders Ann Coulter and Pat Robertson)
Here is the original:
Problem In Politics I am tired of the liberals in Speak Out who complain about the media. Republicans started Fox News with our own money. We bought major newspapers, and we control talk radio. We set the agenda for the network news. Liberals have no voice, and we can quickly make a liberal look kooky if he or she gets too feisty. We did it all with our own money. It is called “capitalism,” and it works. If you liberals really want a voice, move to France or Canada, or buy your own media. But, you liberals are too busy hugging trees and saving owls to stop our agenda. Pretty soon, we will stamp out all liberal voices as dangerous and un-American. Maybe confinement to reservations after that happens would be a nice end to liberalism.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=364&topic_id=3074236Here is a link to this week's responses:
http://remindernewspapers.com/daily/Skins/Vernon/navigator.asp?skin=Vernon&BP=OKEdited (the link does not go straight to the responses - you have to then click on "News" and then "Speak Out")