with Doan, Bloch Turns to Roveby emptywheel
Via ThinkProgress, Government Executive reports that the Office of Special Counsel has ordered the Administration to save its records. This comes after Henry Waxman made such a request in April. But this request is
breath-taking for its scope. Whereas Waxman asked for records related to this years political presentations, OSC is asking the Administration to save records going back to the beginning of the Administration.
Eighteen agencies have been asked by the Office of Special Counsel to preserve electronic information dating back to January 2001 as part of its governmentwide investigation into alleged violations of the law that limits political activity in federal agencies. The OSC task force investigating the claims has asked agencies, including the General Services Administration, to preserve all e-mail records, calendar information, phone logs and hard drives going back to the beginning of the Bush administration. The task force is headed by deputy OSC special counsel James Byrne.
There's one more interesting detail in this report:
the number of agencies involved. Waxman and the White House referred to 15 agencies that had had these political presentations. OSC is looking at 18 agencies.
The scope of this might suggest one of two things. It may just be going big, based on information it has already received. Or, it may be going slow, defining the scope of the investigation so broadly that it'll finish sometime in the next decade.