Tax Rates: One for Bigwig Investors, Another for the Rest of Us
Amid Blackstone Deal, Congress Checks If Billionaire Investors Benefit From Tax Loophole
WASHINGTON, June 22, 2007
Tonight Blackstone Chairman and CEO Stephen Schwarzman will go to bed several billion dollars richer, after his elite investment firm became a publicly traded corporation this morning on Wall Street.
The tax rate for most Americans is anywhere from 25 to 35 percent, but guess how much Schwarzman will pay.
"Most of the money Schwartzman makes is going to be taxed at the 15 percent rate," said Dan Primack, editor of It's "a much lower rate than the average American business person -- and more important, the average American investor."
Congress is debating whether there should be changes in tax code so that the people who run elite investment clubs, called hedge funds or private equity firms, have to pay the same tax rates as the rest of us. But that's easier said than done since these billionaires are flexing their newly-established political muscles.