I fianlly got around to watching the film version of Hair last night. I received the cast album back in 1970 and wore it out. I shouldn't have watched it; it revived all the memories of how bad things were back during Viet NAm and brought up everything bad about this mess in Iraq.
I never knew what the 3-5-0-0 meant until I googled it last night. that's the number of Viet Cong we were supoposedly killing every month. That number resonates again because I think we're coming up on killing 3500 US troops. We killed way more than 3500 Iraqui citizens a long time ago.
Ripped open by metal explosion Caught in barbed wire Fireball Bullet shock Bayonet Electricity Shrapnel Throbbing meat Electronic data processing Black uniforms Bare feet, carbines Mail-order rifles Shoot the muscles 256 Viet Cong captured 256 Viet Cong captured
Prisoners in N***rtown It's a dirty little war Three Five Zero Zero Take weapons up and begin to kill Watch the long long armies drifting home
How ironic, not a single F word in the movie, but I don't think some of the lyrics are acceptable any more.