Triumvirate...The Washington Post Cheney series is astonishing in its revelations, truly astonishing. By now you have heard about the Man-size Mosler safes, and his own top secret classification system, etc. For me, the first article shows something very frightening beyond the bizarre secrecy and paranoia. Even beyond the Svengali like control that the VP has over the President. For me, it is the reaction to the September 11, 2001 attacks and the VPs response, that is, to begin claiming power for the himself and begin to plan a war when no one yet knew who had perpetrated the September 11 attacks. It is the kind of cold opportunism that one sees in a psychopath or in an emotional vampire, a person who feeds off the pain of others. From WaPo (emphasis mine):
- snip -
This is still September 11, 2001 remember and seemingly - although I may be reading this wrong - still during daylight hours, that is to say, in the process of the attacks. You will recall that building 7 did not collapse until around 5 PM EST. So we don't know who attacked us (we suspect), we don't know what the security breach was (how they boarded the planes, how many there were, etc.), in fact, at this point - and this I remember very well - there are still rumors that the Empire State building had a bomb in it, that the Holland tunnel had a bomb in it, and that there was still a 20th hijacker somewhere out there. I remember too a flight in Cleveland being suspected and grounded, and all major cities being evacuated. In fact, I remember that day from my vantage point almost play by play, where I was, how the day progressed, what the various threat alerts coming in were. It was chaos and confusion and no one new if the country was secure, that is, if the attacks were over, for what appeared to be an eternity.
Yet as this is going on, Cheney's concern is not making sure the country was secure, or making sure that he knew - as best as could be known at the time - what the damage was, etc. His concern was a power grab? On 9/11, during the attacks, he calls in lawyers? This is horrifying to me because it shows a man so emotionally vacant that his reaction to horror is to figure out how it best benefits him?