Edited on Tue Jan-23-07 10:40 AM by kentuck
That once a president puts our troops into war, one should not criticize the president? Even if he lied his ass off before he preemptively invaded another country? Even if he has ignored all advice from the generals on the field and the top diplomats of our nation? Where is it written that one should trust the judgement of a half-baked, delusional, failed business man that has failed at every endeavor in life? What person, that calls themselves an American, would be so blinded by partisanship that they would trust the judgement of this one weak leader over everyone else in the world? Those same people would stay with their "man" until the last soldier. For what?
Do they actually believe the Arabs will get on their boats and planes and invade our country? Or do they believe they are already here? Are they not just as delusional as their leader? What right do they have to call someone else "unpatriotic". Stupidity in the cause of patriotism is no virtue.