I've mentioned that my dad and I have a lot of political conversations. He's a long-time Democrat, wouldn't vote Repug if they paid him, but some of his views are pretty moderate. He's no friend to the corporatists, though. If anything, he hates the insurance companies and Big Pharma even more than I do.
It took him a long time to realize what a fiasco this war was, and how unnecessary. He still harbors suspicions that the WMDs were sent to Syria or the like rather than being used by Saddam when the troops swept in.
He gets most of his news from the local paper and, though I don't read it myself anymore, I do know that he's far better informed than he used to be. He knows exactly who Halliburton is, AND Kellog, Brown, and Root. He's aware of Cheney's recent drama and that it means Dick's been running the country.
He's beginning to make links between what I've told him and what he's seeing in the paper now.
He knows about the prison-industrial complex. He opposes the bullshit war on drugs as much as I do--to be honest, he's probably the one who turned ME on to how ridiculous it truly is.
The local paper, at least by what he's telling me, is starting to print real news again, or, at least, print the news that it wouldn't have touched two years ago. It's a good thing to see, because there are people like my dad who wouldn't quite get it if they didn't.
I just hope those people have someone like me in THEIR lives to help them dig through the muck and find the gems of truth within it.