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Cindy Sheehan: Make Congress Do Something!

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-23-07 03:06 PM
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Cindy Sheehan: Make Congress Do Something!
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Make Congress do Something!
Cindy Sheehan

Ms. Sheehan,

I couldnt even get through your whole post here. My son leaves for Iraq between now and the beginning of March. We had a phone conversation the other night about his funeral. HIS FUNERAL. Yeah, I had to go over paperwork with him on the phone to plan a funeral in case.. I cant sleep, I am a mess, I dont want to leave the house and I am going to wind up getting fired from my job and losing my home because I cannot pay the rent due to not being able to work. On top of all of this, I have an autoimmune disease that flares terribly when I am stressed. Can you say Stress in this situation. I will be in Washington DC next weekend if I have to walk there. No, I dont have a car and I havent a penny but I will get there somehow to stop this Bloody mess we are into. I am so afraid. I have never been so terrified and depressed in my whole life and I dont know what to do. I cannot even find a local support group for families that have children in the military. Why isnt this low life of a president getting impeached, I dont understand it.

I received this message from a distraught mother after she tried to read my article: The Price of Freedom: 24. We have since then been working on transportation for her to the march in DC this weekend and I referred her to Military Families Speak Out for some support.

In my article The Price of Freedom: 24, I again pointed out that there are very few House Reps or Senators who can even approach the agony of this mother, because only a scant few have had a child serving in Iraq or Afghanistan.

George Bush has not been impeached and no courageous or authentic appeal has been made in Congress to stop Bloody George because no child of the elite members of our government has ever had to call his/her mother to plan a funeral. No member of Congress has had to worry about losing his/her job because of bottomless worry and depression. No member of Congress has had his/her health compromised by the high crimes and misdemeanors of the Bush Regime.

Every member of Congress needs to read this desperate message from this desperate mother. Sit-in at your Congress person's office like patriotic constituents in Sacramento are doing in Rep. Doris Matsui's (D-Ca) office.

This is the reason we need to re-double, re-triple, re-quadruple our efforts for peace.

For this mom and her son and for the tens of thousands of others in the same position.

For the innocent Iraqis whose lives have been made desolate by the Bloody Bush regime.

For our grandchildren who are already in danger because of Bloody George’s war OF terror.

For once and all---impeach, indict, imprison---bring our troops home!

Cindy Sheehan is the mother of Spc. Casey Sheehan who was killed in Bush's war of terror on 04/04/04.
She is the co-founder and president of Gold Star Families for Peace and the Camp Casey Peace Institute.
She is the author of three books, the most recent is: Peace Mom: A Mother's Journey Through Heartache
to Activism.

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Luckyduck Donating Member (434 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-23-07 03:16 PM
Response to Original message
1. Go Cindy!
She is such an inspiration- I hope she keeps on interrupting press conferences until they get the point!

Here is a map useful for finding congressional offices

I hope cindy makes it for the protest on Meet the Press Sunday!

PDF Flyer with a map of the DC TV Studios
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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-23-07 03:56 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Welcome to DU, Luckyduck, and I agree, she IS an inspiration!
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porphyrian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-23-07 03:58 PM
Response to Original message
3. I'll kick that. - n/t
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Luckyduck Donating Member (434 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-23-07 05:57 PM
Response to Original message
4. kick for cindy
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az chela Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-23-07 06:14 PM
Response to Original message
5. I would ask the people on Du and those that arent to listen
very carefully to bush's speech tonight and pay attention to the fact that he doesnt care about anything but himself.
He gives no thought to the fact that he illegally took this country to war against a country that has done nothing to us!!!!Why are we there???NO answers from w on that except he wants to fight them over there so we dont have to fight them here.
When did Iraq attack or threaten this country??
What have almost 1 million people died for???How will this ever end???We have an economy that is down the tubes except for the rich.
He has walked away from New Orleans,he has not provided the troops with the weapons they need,he has allowed little children to be raped and slaughtered while he parties at the white house and crawford.He walks around with an evil smirk and acts and looks like he is so all that.
The man is an imbecile.He also has no concious or cares for anyone who isnt a benefit to him!!!!
Anyone who knows someone who has been killed in this war stand up,take to the streets,stop this madman!!!!!
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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-23-07 06:27 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. Amen, az. The man IS an imbecile, and I think the country finally
realizes that, way too late, but there it is.
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Luckyduck Donating Member (434 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-23-07 10:15 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. better late than never
If we could just stop Iran I would be happy at this point (which is sad)
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Luckyduck Donating Member (434 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-24-07 03:20 PM
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8. kick
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