many years ago I had the privilege of meeting Pete Seeger and hanging around with him in the very early days of the Hudson River Sloop CLEARWATER project . . .
I vividly recall being with him one day when he was being interviewed by a reporter from some newspaper or other . . . the topic was the environment and, more generally, the future of humanity . . . one of the reporter's questions was "Are you optimistic about the future?" . . .
"Nope," said Pete. "But I'm hopeful." . . .
I thought that was a great answer, and I sort of adopted it as my own philosophical approach to things over the decades . . . but today I'm beginning to seriously doubt the "hopeful" part . . . very, very seriously beginning to doubt the "hopeful" part . . .
I was sitting around not doing much of anything last night when another question just popped into my head, right out of the blue . . . "Are we witnessing the beginning of the end of life on Earth?", I thought . . . and the only answer I could give myself was "Maybe so." . . .
the nuclear clock is now at five minutes to midnight . . . we're amassing huge naval and military forces in the Gulf and seem ready to strike Iran and ignite a conflagration that will envelope the entire Middle East and beyond . . . every day we hear news of global warming, melting glaciers, dying oceans, and species on the brink of extinction . . . food supplies are becoming ever more precarious, a major American city sits in ruins, and governmental agencies are re-locating to Virginia to be outside the "blast zone" . . .
we have a thoroughly corrupt government that's robbing us blind while imposing America's military might on other nation's across the globe -- in OUR name . . . the "Little Red Button" is under the finger of a psychopath who believes that Armageddon is imminent, and that he's doing God's work in helping bring it about . . . our jobs are disappearing, our benefits and pensions are disappearing, our educational and healthcare systems continue to deteriorate, and most Americans couldn't find Iraq on a map if their life depended on it . . . we are living in the most dangerous time in the history of the human race, yet the vast majority of our countrymen and women wile away their lives watching "American Idol," playing video games, and rooting for a bunch of multi-millionaires playing a variety of kids games on television . . .
whether they have the latest cell phone or the newest designer fashions are more important to our young people than educating themselves about the world in which they live . . . and their parents are more interested showing off their new Hummers and SUVs than in addressing the blatant corruption so evident in our elections, in our corporations, in our government, in all of our institutions . . . all around me I see blank faces of despair, resignation, and hopelessness seemingly waiting for some saviour who will magically appear and make it all right again . . . and knowing deep in their hearts that he or she isn't coming . . .
if someone were to ask me today "Are you optimistic about the future?", I think that my answer might be "Nope . . . but I'm trying to stay hopeful." . . . and I'm not sure how much longer I can keep that up . . .