My first-born grandson/grandchild, now 20-years old and one who the entire family; parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and close family friends, held such high expectations for has within the past 2-weeks, quit college along with his part time job, wed his 23-yr college girlfriend and ENLISTED IN THE US ARMY.
We are all so devastated and have just discovered that the recruiters got to him, along with one of his co-workers, who claims to have been an Army Ranger and speaks of all the great training he received (yet withal this great training, he is now working in a call-center). I am not sure what line of bullshit they sold him but, it apparently fed into his naiveness on loyalty, honor, young brothers looking up to him, etc., and he has bought into it.
We have been unable to dissuade him even though the entire family has been closely involved with the military, from WWII, Korea, Vietnam both serving within the military and working and living alongside at military bases. I have told him of my high regard for military officers and enlisted that I have worked and played with and that the military was an honorable profession YET, this administration and this Commander-in-Chief has totally abused and misused our military forces to serve their own greed and lust for power. That this President/Commander-in-Chief not only failed to uphold his Oath taken with the TANG but also his Oath taken as POTUS to "Support and defend the Constitution of the United States.
The reasons given for the quickie marriage is to protect her from an overbearing mother, sexually abusive stepfather and it will allow her to finish college without depending on anything from them.....He has been playing the martyr, using the excuses that he doesn't want his parents to pay for his college or his living expenses, yet he has asked his parents to look after his brand new wife and even move her in with them if things become to difficult for her......which of course he knew that is exactly what they would do. His mother is a trauma nurse who spent part of her training within the Veterans hospital and as a young child remembers her grandfather returning from Vietnam. She is totally heartbroken, not so much about his entering the military because that is what he has always wanted, but because he is not even entering the service which he always talked about, the Navy.
Now for some of your good advice? He returned from Phoenix Tuesday and stopped into visit us and told us all about his physical, papers signed, etc. All was regular enlistment procedures until his favorite Aunt (a drama teacher, on summer break) asked about taking an Oath and he responded that "I took an Oath to support,defend and obey the orders of The Commander-in-Chief." Upon hearing these words come from the mouth of what we believed to be our intelligent boy, completely shocked us all. His Aunt immediately responded, that he did know, that the Oath was to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic and not one man? What is the actual wording of the enlistment Oath?
His Aunt told him, if he decided he didn't like it, he could always tell them he was gay. He said, that they gave him a list which consisted of things said or done regarding gay issues which could be used to discharge. His Aunt which adores him and also heartbroken on his naive choices, informed him that she knows plenty of gay actors throughout the country, who would willingly take on the roll of his estranged lover and suddenly appear at his commanders office, demanding to see you. What is funny, is, he knows his Aunt and he knows full-well this is something she would do.
I am more of an on-looker rather than a poster and you have all played a part in my education and keeping this old brain working. Any advice you may have will be greatly appreciated. My entire family know that I am addicted to DU. It is the first thing I do in the am and the last thing I do in the pm, therefore they have all asked me to submit this and see what advice or opinions come forth.