Before I ever came here, I used to lurk around the FR boards just to see what their "thoughts" were on current events. When I first saw that site I thought it was a parody of the GOP; I was shocked when I found out what these people were saying was dead serious.
Anyway, here's a list of my favorite quotes over the past few months (I save my favorites and show them to friends, it's great entertainment):
W is a decent man who is a little too idealistic, moderate, and most importantly too constrained by the powers that surround him and try to eat him alive.
(Right, despite the fact that Congress gave Bush a free pass on everything for six years, he's too constrained)
Well, seriously, Rumsfeld did a terrific job cleaning house and making things better, but for whatever reason he's now gone.
Gates is a very smart and capable guy. He will do whatever Bush tells him to do.
(Oh yes, Rumsfeld did a great job miscalculating the Iraqi response to our invasion, miscalculating the number of troops we'd need, miscalculating the cost of the war, driving the country into civil war, and approving of prisoner abuse)
Can somebody, anybody in this administration tell these traitors that the war in Iraq IS NOT ABOUT IRAQ?!
(Exactly. The Iraq war has NOTHING to do with Iraq. Brilliant!)
I've heard critics say this movie is boring, which is laughable because they're probably atheists who only like sex and violence
I found the anti-God message in "Happy Feet" to be incredibly disturbing.
(Yep those atheist penguins are a threat to our traditional values)
I haven't seen a rash of any Americans out killing muslims lately. We have a major enemy and they exist among us!
(WTF do you call the Iraq war?)
So. I will defend our American way of life, without apology, to all comers.
(Keyboard warrior)
The best idea is, indeed, to prohibit the immigration of Muslims. "Severely restricting" immigration doesn't go far enough. No need to wait to see how Europe pans out...the problems of European countries, all of which feel great regret for literally losing their homelands to Muslim immigratnion, are there big time, and are only getting worse.
Barbarians are not only at the gate; they are inside and infiltrating fast.
(Typical right wing racist fearmongering)
Actually evolution is a philosophy.
(No, it's a theory based on calculations and observations, moron)
Scientific method was invented by Christians in the middle ages so to argue that creation in nonscientific is false.
(ROFLMAO! A form of the scientific method was used by alchemists in Arab countries long before Christians learned anything of logic. BTW, the Church did everything in its power to curtail scientific thought in the middle ages...this is common knowledge, people)
Al Gore's global warming movie or terrorist training movie? Sounds like the terrorist like his ideas.
(I won't even comment on this psycho)
Well, Al certainly is on the terrorists side in this war of civilization.
It's World War IV, right here, right now courtesy of Islam.
(Did we skip World War Three?)
I remember taking my kids to Provincetown to go on the whale watch. We were continuously visually insulted by scenes of homo couples in bare buttocks jeans, transvestites strutting down the street exposing themselves, etc., etc., etc. The town is absolutely filthy. The streets are filthy. The houses are run-down. The whole place is ugly and grotesque.
May Studds burn in hell forever!
(Ugly and groteqsue, eh? And then this maniac goes on to condemn someone to Hell?)
The author perpetuates the myth that the United States is a secular nation. This is manifestly false as any who can read and who takes a moment to read the writings of the founders can see.
(Yes, the idea of America being a secular nation is just a myth that's accepted by virtually every notable historian)
he hates america first...just as all the f'n lib/dems....they want a one world order....to bad the man on top running it will be muhammed/abdullah/akmad....or some other f'n towel head muzzie!!!!
(What an intellectual giant)
Anti-Christmas bigotry is common here
(Yes, Christians only compromise something like 70% of America's population. Weep for the poor Christians! The only control the government! They're being persecuted!)
Start assassinating Iran's political-religious leaders. They will comprehend a bloodbath.
(Pro life alert)
These following quotes are about the fascist mass-murdering dicator Augusto Pinochet.
He was a great hero. God bless him.
The man had the right idea as to what to do with radical leftists. And, when his work was done, he left on his own and restored democratic government.
Pinochet was a hero who almost single-handedly prevented a communist takeover of South America. That he only had to kill 2,000 or so communists in the process is a testament to his humanity.
The world would be much better place with more such jerks.
Sure, he wasn't perfect, but don't forget his enemy were 1970's communists who would have butchered millions to bring about a communist state. Does one condmen Pinochet for killing a few thousand when if he did nothing millions of across South America would have died?
Pinochet performed a service for humanity (HAH!)
Pinochet was a hero who saved Chile from a Marxist regime sponsored by the Stasi and KGB.
Give it a few years and Pinochet will have beaten down the devils, liberalized the markets, and willingly handed Hell back to a civilian government.
Pinochet is a HERO!
Turned a socialist swamp economy into a free-market powerhouse and resotred democracy. His constituition is the one currently in place, reformed, but the constitution Pinochet established.
Anyone who thinks different is studid,ignorant,or a Commie.
Or possibly a combonation of three.
My the good Lord rest his soul. A great, albeit flawed, man whose anticommunist record is above reproach.
Pinochet is a hero to all freedom loving people. (LMAO)
Nothing wrong with killing communists.
Commies are not human.
Don't ever let a freeptard tell you that they're not a fascist, and don't ever let them say they are pro-life or pro-freedom.