Edited on Tue Jan-23-07 08:12 PM by UTUSN
The wingnut ended one e-mail, gratuitously: "I wonder whether Hillary will be able to avoid hard questions during the campaign the way she has as senator?"
I replied:
Well, she can always use Shrub as a model, since HE got off Scot free throughout Campaign 2000 with his "Don't-mess-with-Texas" ploy, portraying himself as a SUCCESSFUL governor, while he was actually in a weak-governor system and his only "achievements" were his sweatheart deals for cronies and giving free rein to his polluting robber baron buds. You know, WRECKING California through his buds, arranging for the Arlington land deal and all.
Not even Molly IVINS could get the national media to examine his record. And he KNOWS how to "mess" with a governor-candidate's record, since he and ATWATER did their number on poor, pathetic DUKAKIS, both with DUKAKIS's achievements AND the Willie HORTON swiftbotting.
So his reply, a blueprint for the hammering of HRC:
My take on Sen. Clinton is someone who wants to reign or rule and not govern. If Bush is that way, she is the female doppelganger (I hope that is the right use; I’ve always wanted to use it). She cannot abide being questioned because she knows best and can’t be bothered with the petty concerns of the muchadumbre. It is an aspect of her modern Social Gospel Methodism.
As for Bush not being investigated, why is that my problem to respond to? I kept waiting for the Rangers land deal because it is Achilles heel for some business conservatives, the use of government power for private gain. I don’t like it but I pick my battles, what few I fight.
Managing the message is just what politicians do.
Remember the FBI files, full of raw data that two flunkies showed up with? And that NO ONE in authority was ever held accountable for all that raw info floating around? Files received from the FBI on the request of some flunkies? You don’t believe that and neither do I. She or he or someone at their level did that deal and those two flunkies took the fall.
Finally, I’m a firm believer that iron sharpens iron, to quote the Bible. Bush as done himself NO favor avoiding contrary opinions and even antagonistic points of view and that is one of the things he is paying for now. So you should be in favor of all pols answering the questions and not erecting a wall between himself and the press.
Then later, there was Dick-"Toesucker"-MORRIS on the HANNITY freak show, detailing his latest parasitical money-grubbing scam he is running on the CLINTONs, making a "Michael MOORE type movie" targeting HRC for the coming primaries: That the movie will consist of clips of her "in various tones of voice, in different words catering to different groups, in different hair-do(s)--the only thing everything will have in common is that it is all lies." That he will deliver opening night speeches in the theaters the flick shows at. HANNITY promptly offered to make appearances at all of those openings. One of Toesucker's examples was that HRC is supposedly a profound believer of religious principles and therefore doesn't allow questioning of her positions or motives. Toesucker then did a RUMSFELD self-questioning, "Isn't this like (Shrub)?" His self-answer was that the difference was that HRC is "RUTHLESS" and Shrub is NOT!!1
Notice the similarity of the radio wingnut's drawing the SAME parallels between HRC and Shrub, yet, when it's about Shrub it goes by fleetingly and without consequence, but when it's about HRC it is a PROFOUND history-trashing character defect.