Edited on Wed Sep-26-07 01:43 PM by sinkingfeeling
At what is being done in my name around the world. At the sight of Dick Cheney's sneer. At the sound of George W. Bush's voice. At the LTTEs I read in the local paper. At the votes taken in the Senate and House. At the lies repeated on my TV. At the 'I can't recall' excuses in the hearing rooms. At the fake patriotism of those around me. At the ignorance that surrounds me.
For those who have been betrayed by their 'Commander-in-Chief. For the terrified Iraqi children and their parents. For the death and destruction caused by 'my' country. For those who go to bed homeless or hungry within our borders. For those who only want to live in peace. For the loss of the city of New Orleans. For the trauma suffered by those in New York. For a world gone mad. For the impending failure of the 'great American experiment'. For all that has been lost.
That the United States of America has passed the point of no return; beyond repair, beyond redemption, beyond restoration, to a fascist state. That my country will continue its march toward brutal empire, toward endless wars, toward a new Dark Age. That all debate will be silenced. That all will be made to pledge their allegiance to the empire. That hard economic times are ahead. That I will forever have to be ashamed to be from the USA.
This has been my existence for almost 7 years. I sometimes believe I am going mad. I yearn for peace within me, within this country, and throughout the world.
Edited to put in correct 'their'