Today at a Senate hearing Sen. Tom Harkin told Gen. Pace that his conmments about homosexuals demoralized those under his command and asked if he had over time rethought his position on homosexuals in the military.
It comes at about 1:23:15 in the show. codeplayClip(clip32613)
Gen. Pace himed and hawed and explained that because of his upbringing he just could not condone the idea of openly gay soldiers. He said it was his reponsibility and authority to obey the law of the land, and to object if something is illegal or immoral.
Well all hell broke loose cuz the Code Pink gals asked What about thou shalt not kill?
During the evacuation on the Pinks, Sen. Harkin yelled at someone who questioned his asking such an odviously honorable, war hero like dude such a thing. Sen. Harkin explained that he indeed neededto ask the question and was not in need of a lecture.
Once they got kicked out the Pink gals, Gen.Pace added that if they wanted to make changes to Don't ask don't tell, it would be fine as long as it doesn't condone what he believes to be activity, wheather hetro or homo, that in his upbringing is not right.
Sen. Harkin then explained to the General that we don't have laws in this country any longer against homosexuality. So there so not such law for the Gereral to uphold.
Gen. Pace then explains that the uniform code of military justice makes it illegal for members of the same sex or members of the opposite sex to have sex with each other. "It is the law and I am upholding it."
Check out this blog. The Manual for Courts-Martial specifically includes fellatio and cunnilingus between married heterosexual partners to be in violation of Article 125. (It’s on page A23-15).
What does General Peter Pace think of Article 125 as applied to married couples? Would he consider Fellatio and cunnilingus between a married couple to be immoral, not to be condoned, unlawful?
How would he police such a thing?
Who the fuck does he think he's fooling.
I can see the recruiting posters now.