great news for Edwards supporters... only did John Edwards receive the endorsement today of the Iowa state chapter of the service employees union, but he also has garnered the backing of nine other state chapters of the S.E.I.U, including the biggest prize of all, the S.E.I.U. council in California, which represents 650,000 workers.
Democratic officials said that Mr. Edwards would also receive the endorsements of the Service Employees International Union chapters in several other states with sizable memberships — Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Oregon and Washington.
The S.E.I.U. is considered extremely politically active, and these 10 state councils that endorsed Mr. Edwards represent 1 million workers, or more than half its national membership.
Last week, the executive board of the national S.E.I.U. decided against endorsing anyone — a move that many saw as a disappointment for Mr. Edwards, who has aggressively courted that union. But the union’s executive board decided that the S.E.I.U.’s state councils could make their own endorsements. The Edwards camp saw that as a big plus because it expects to receive far more endorsements from S.E.I.U. state units than the other candidates will receive.