Kucinich to Force Impeachment Vote
Tuesday November 6
What to do:
--> URGENT: Call your U.S. House member Monday if possible, or Tuesday morning November 6! (An important vote will occur on Tues. the 6th (or perhaps on Wed. the 7th or Thurs. the 8th).
--> If you can’t call promptly, call after the vote and tell your House member what you think!
U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), who introduced H.Res. 333 to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney, will use a special floor action on Tuesday November 6 to put House members on record about this.
Find your House member’s e-mail address here: e-mail your House member through this link:, please phone your U.S. Congress member – even if you have done so before – to urge support for H.Res. 333 to impeach Cheney. Brian Baird’s Olympia phone is 352-9768. Adam Smith’s Tacoma phone is 253-896-3775 or toll-free 888-764-8409. Some impeachment organizers have also recommended two toll-free numbers for Congress: (800) 862-5530 or (800) 833-6354.
Now is also a good time to raise the issue in radio’s call-in talk shows, by e-mail to various recipients, and through other quick media.
What will happen in Congress:
On Tuesday November 6 Congressman Dennis Kucinich will rise and ask that H.Res. 333 be brought to the floor on a point of “privilege,” which is every congressman’s right on important matters. Someone will rise and motion for a vote that the bill be “tabled” (killed.) THIS IS THE VOTE. If enough House members vote against the motion to “table” it, Kucinich will speak and it must go forward for debate. Please tell your member of Congress to VOTE AGAINST “TABLING” H.Res. 333. We want it to stay alive and go forward.
Most likely a majority will vote to table. This vote will be a proxy vote on impeachment, so it will put Congress members on record for moving ahead or ducking the issue. Knowing where each Congress member stands will help the nationwide impeachment movement focus its energies.
More information:
Congressman Kucinich explains this action supporting H.Res. 333 in this video: has asked local communities to hold Town Hall Meetings about impeachment. In Olympia WA we held one on February 20, 2007, and 850 persons packed the Washington Center for the Performing Arts. DVDs featuring the three nationally recognized experts are available. For information about that event, see
Our Olympia-based impeachment group is the Citizens Movement to Impeach Bush/Cheney: (360) 491-9093 or (360) 491-1540
The statewide group in Washington:
The most comprehensive nationwide organization is After Downing Street
Synopsis of H.Res. 333: about Cheney, H.Res. 333, and the Tues. Nov. 6 action: and Public Record Evidence for the Impeachment of Bush and Cheney: Points for the “Unconverted” from the Northeast Impeachment Coalition, a grassroots group:“Republicans Support Impeachment” on YouTube: activities: information: each member of Congress stands on impeachment, and what to do about it: members of the House Judiciary Committee and Speaker Nancy Pelosi: the media. the pollsters to survey public opinion about impeachment: