Yeah, he is an evil SOB - but because of bush we have a dem congress and will win the white house next.
Because of bush people are finally waking up and getting active again in politics - and those people are mostly progressives.
Sure it is sad that so many have died under his asshole rule, but it was not in vain. We may not save Iraq, but it looks like maybe we will save the US.
And think of how many future deaths it has saved us from having to mourn. As people wake up and rub their eyes they are finally starting to see the errors of the neo-con ways. Racism, Homophobia, Classism, Sexism, War, etc are finally topics people are starting to change on.
He might have won the elections, but he has lost both wars. And because of his royal assholishness we actually have some hope for once in a long ass time.
We have bloggers, DU, and people all over the place getting active and focusing on issues on the internet and beyond. The masses are finally connecting together to defeat the agenda of the right. We saw the worst of things and came together as a force to be reckoned with - and a force for change.
So yeah, I clapped tonight when I saw him. Because if it had not been for the extremes of his ways we might not ever have come together in such a way as we have. He woke up a lot of people, and now the world might be a better place in spite of him. It is a shame it took this much hell to get so many awake and active, myself included. But it did work - people have woken up and are fighting on all fronts. And we finally have a real good shot at winning.
We saw the light, and bush was our battery. And now we need to replace that battery with a new one.
So many were lulled to sleep with Clinton in power. Things seemed alright even when they were not because we gave some things a pass. And then we got the assmaster bush and a repug congress. And we woke up, mobilized, DU came into existence, DailyKos, etc and we fought.
And now that the sleeping giant is awoken, I don't think it will be going back to sleep until things are secured.
Just like the right maybe, we need an enemy to focus on and get us kicking. We got one. And after years of hell we found some hope. And this stone will keep on rolling, because we won't let our elected leaders fuck us over any more.