Edwards is up next on InsHannity and Colmie, on Fox!
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Tue Jan-23-07 11:32 PM
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Edwards is up next on InsHannity and Colmie, on Fox! |
Edited on Tue Jan-23-07 11:33 PM by FrenchieCat
Wes just kicked ass.
Now, it's Edwards' turn!
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Tue Jan-23-07 11:48 PM
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1. Kick.....will be on momentarily. |
They are taking their time, so folks will keep on watching! :wtf:
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Tue Jan-23-07 11:59 PM
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2. Did Ok.....not bad at all. |
Explained why the tax system should be progressive....when Hannity asked him.....and Edwards used himself as the example. It was a very clear explanation that even those at Fox could understand!
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:56 AM
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