Good creates, Evil destroys. Whether you anthropomorphize them or not, This in general is my point. When creativity occurs, it is either shared or displayed, wherein the work of art is not simply the work itself but the synthesis between artist, work, and audience or collaborator. Something is expressed or made, whether its love, a painting, a civilisation. It is an energy that is made and increased from growing or nurturing. Evil, on the other hand, gains its energy from the destruction or dissassembling of something which it did not create...love, an alliance, a civilisation, a trust. It takes things forged by someone or something else, and uncreates it. It does this from the outside...it does this from a stockpile of things it did not personally create..therefore, the more it destroys, the less stockpile it has to destroy. It must either move on or eventually die. Creativity, on the other hand, constantly increases its energy because it gets energy from creating more and more things/people/love/civilisations. Therefore its canvas expands. Its a race, so to speak...Evil keeps taking away the canvas and Good keeps adding to the canvas. If Evil wins, no more canvas, no more creation. If Good wins, the canvas will keep expanding.